Archive for June 2012

How to format usb drive to NTFS in xp

Generally in windows XP by default USB drive can be formated in FAT or  FAT32 format even the size is more than 8 gb.But you cannot copy a single file which contain more than 4gb of size to flash drive which is formated by FAT or FAT32 format. To solve this problem the USB drive should be formated in NTFS format. but you cannot see this option by default in windows XP. so you must enable this option to appear in File system option in format form.

To Enable NTFS on your USB(Flash) drive

1. Right click My Computer and select Manage option

2. A computer Management form will be opened. Next click on device manager then click on Diskdrives it is available in right panel.

3. Click on Disk drive and select and Click right button on USB Drive option .
4. when you Select Properties .A device properties form will be opened. Then Select Policies Tab and select  Optimize for performance. Then click OK button.

4. Now you can format your USB Drive using NTFS Formate

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How to download videos from facebook without downloader

I am going to explain in blog that is how to download videos from facebook without using any downloader sofware

follow these steps to do

1.Open facebook website and  select the videos which you want to download to your computer using FireFox web browser or any other.
2. Select address bar and copy the web link

3.  open new tab and type the fallowing web address
4. paste the web link which copied from facebook and click Search button
5. after clicking the search button you will see the download link below the search option
like this

 6. Right click download mp4  and select save link as option from pop up menu

7.It will ask a location u can select target and click on save button .the video file will be downloaded as *.mp4 format  and you can open it in any video player which is support by mp4 format..

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free Virtual CD/DVD/Blue-rays softwares

DAEMON Tools Lite

Daemon Tools software opens your image files like  *.iso  *.nrg  etcs..

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free recovery softwares

PC Inspector File Recovery

It is one of the freeware file recovery software. the deleted files can be recovered which are using shift+del button.

Requirements:    Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64
Languages:    en-US
License:    Freeware


Card Recovery Software

Card Recovery software helps you get back your digital image files which are accidentally deleted.
Requirements: Windows(All)
License: Commercial Trail

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best Free Firewall sofware

Comodo Internet Security

comodo fire wall is one of the best free software. and it is award winning software for personal usage
i am using this software since 4 100% safe your system..

You may use this link to Download click here .

 Latest version :  5.10 and above
Requirements:Windows XP / 2003 / Vista / Windows7
Languages:Multiple languages

Sygate Personal Firewall 5.6.2808

 Another best fire wall software is sygate personal fire wall. It is freeware but after this version it is discontinued during 2005th year but still it is available the version 5.6.2808
Note: if your system has symantec antivirus it cannot be installed properly ,but it is still good software

Requirements:  Windows XP/ 2000 /2003
License: Freeware

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